Sunday, July 10, 2011

Cornell Square Week 2

During the second week of the TRACE Program we worked more in depth with journalism. We also decided on our topic for the radio program. Our topic will be young people and how they are viewed by the older generation, and also how they are treated by people in positions of authority. We talked about our field trip to Bynum Island. Bynum Island was a great trip, we worked on team building which helped us work together and respect other people’s opinions. Another thing we did was played family feud using word terms involving journalism which helped us have a better understanding of the meaning of these words. Though there were words we didn’t know, in the context it was put in, it helped us have somewhat of a meaning of the words. We also went on a field trip this week. We visited Radio Arte and met teens from their job program who are putting together a radio program like we are. We learned about twitter and facebook and its connection to journalism. We also saw a live radio broadcast. George, the DJ, even gave us a shout out on the radio! We learned about the equipment they used to do a radio broadcast. It was very interesting to be in a studio where they are broadcasting. There were plenty more activities we participated in for example, we also visited the southside bureau of WEBZ. Natalie Moore led us through a conversation about our topic and taught us about different types of sources. We watched CODE 33 and went on a community assets walk. On the community assets walk we collected audio for our radio documentary and interviewed people in the community such as the assistant executive director of a homeless shelter for teens. Then we worked with Jayve and Ed from Inferno Recording Studio to label and save our audio, and also learned how to boost the sound and get rid of noise and static. We learned a lot of things this week and we are looking forward --to the third week of this program.

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